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Alumni Profile: Jon Kirkegaard of Dynamic Cycle-time Reduction Associates
Current Position: As founder and President of the Dallas-based Dynamic Cycle-time Reduction Associates (DCRA), Jon assists clients in achieving competitive advantage through supply-chain excellence.
 Jon KirkegaardJon has also held a variety of senior management positions in supply chain technology and strategy firms, including Vizional Technologies and i2 Technologies. As Vice President of Logistics Operations at i2, he led numerous innovations, including authoring i2's distribution planning solution and co-authoring a patent on e-commerce-based Collaborative Planning Technologies or Electronic Planning Interchange. At Booz Allen: As a Dallas-based Senior Associate, Jon specialized in diagnostics and information technology support for supply chain and logistics operations in the industrial manufacturing and consumer goods industries. Jon earned a Masters in Finance from the University of Texas at Dallas and an Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering degree from Kansas State University. What, in a nutshell, did you learn at Booz Allen? I learned that great strategy can be extraordinarily complex or as simple as finding the largest fixed cost and turning it into a variable cost. Booz Allen teaches you to think about every possible option and how to work with clients on finding the absolute best solutions to their challenges. Was Booz Allen in any way a foundation to your current position? Yes. When you're surrounded by smart people, you can't help but learn. More than anything, I learned how to present my arguments clearly and coherently. And I learned how to lead. In running my own company these days, I rely on the lessons of Booz Allen. Would you recommend working at Booz Allen? If so, why? Absolutely. Booz Allen people always deliver value well in excess of a client's fee, and do so with complete independence and the certainty that their recommendations are always in the client's best interest. So what does the successful consultant do well here? The best consultants understand the power of the Booz Allen "brand" and the respect it carries in the marketplace. They understand that the brand means they're held to a high standard and that they need to keep their eye on the prize: developing solutions for their clients. Favorite moment or experience here? It was delivering on a world-class strategy and operational logistics and a supply chain solution for the Frito-Lay Taco Bell assignment. Our operational strategy resulted in great success for our client. I'm new to Booz Allen ... Any advice for me? Listen to the talent around you and absorb their knowledge. Booz Allen people are great teachers. And always keep in mind what you're there for, which is serving clients. Achieve those goals and you'll be a success at Booz Allen and beyond. profile posted December 13, 2004